This basically means the age I'm looking to reach is about 17-21, they are my primary audience as it was this group that responded to my plea on social media sites. So I'm going to make design choices accordingly. It mainly means I will have to adjust my style of writing to appeal to the younger teen audience. what this means over all is just not using language that is to large in vocabulary but still not treating them as kids. Another point i need to address with my audience and age is that I want to change the topics around J-Rock, if I was going to aim the magazine at an older audience I would put more wordy articles about the artist whereas if i was looking at a younger audience the magazine would contain more images and be more likely to talk about upcoming events and small facts about the musician.
This shows me to represent and attract my audience, my magazine needs; good writing and a good mix of big bands and new up and comers. This really is a mixed bag as far as the survey goes but the fact that good writing, new bands and big band was high in the rating doesn't surprise me. The fact that competitions is the lowest rating shows the audience are less interested in the add on sections of a magazine and more interested in the bulk of its writing.
People in my target audience seemed to like clothing, it seems when it comes to free stuff probably because its the most expensive of all the options I've given them. considering the stereotype of youth this is not at all surprising. The chart also shows that CDs are the second most popular and this shows that J-Rock fans value a more solid object than a code for an Mp3 album.
This graph from my results show me to represent my target audience I need to focus articles on the music and the band and throw in some culture and language when I'm writing an article. This has the implications of me having to spend more time and effort on articles about the bands and there music.
This shows that people value a balance of simplicity and style, however this question is open to interpretation and quite vague so all i can take from this is that making it too simple or overly complex is a very bad idea and against what my primary audience wants.
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