Why? yes there are, and I'm not talking about the habit the AAA industry has of just being crap, and I am not talking about the fact that the indie games industry is falling in to the traps the industry made just before Atari shock.
No I am talking about actual conventions that are within the games industry that are key characteristics of it.
For the sake of my piece I am going to talk about just the Indie industry and occasionally use the AAA industry as a point of reference.
I am going to say this out right but this isn't that easy but here I go.
One of the key things that is dominant in the Indie Game scene is that there is so much innovation in game-play. This is because of two reasons.
Number one, because to become popular and to be seen in such a large market you need to have two things on your side, Luck and a
damn good game and while fancy graphics may constitute a good game (Call Of Duty Fans Will Tell You) the AAA market has that down and making a game with great graphics is super expensive, and if an indie developers don't have one thing, that is money. So the one thing they have is something new, something great, Innovation.
Number two, is that if you want to make a game with a great idea you have come up with you can do two things, One is that you get your arse laughed out of a big corporate building or two make it yourself and release it as an indie game. Not too difficult a decision, is it?
A Lack Of Franchises
I can only label two games that are indie games that actually has it's own series. "I Wanna Be The Guy" and "Binding Of Issac" and the latter is really only a game series in that there
are two, one being a remake of sorts.
But without cheating I am going to list AAA game series, all from different companies:
Crash Bandicoot - Naughty Dog
Mario - Nintendo
Call Of Duty - Tri-arch
MegaMan - Capcom
Sonic - Sega
Assassins Creed - Ubisoft
Elder Scrolls - Bethesda
World of Warcraft - Blizzard
And that is just of the top of my head without using the same company twice.
Why is this though? Well there is no real answer but I have a theory regarding this.
You have two choices, the first is to release a sequel to a game you have just released. The game can be made quicker, It already has a fan base, and is cheaper in all so more profit. however this will sacrifice the creative ideal of the original game.
Or you can work on a new game. Use your success to spend your profits on your new project. You get to go in any direction you wish as it is a new game full stop however the issue with this is that you cut in to your profit.
Now one group has an honest love of gaming as an art. (indie)
Another group has an obligation to make as much money as possible.(Do I need to say it's AAA)
The Batman Singularity
So yeah this is an odd theory in the gaming industry that in the AAA games industry "every main protagonist is essentially batman" (Ben "Yahtzee" Crowshaw, 2014) and while yes you can look at this and take that phrase in the humor it is meant to be, but this is actually an interesting quote to look at and analyses.
So what features make batman as a character? Well I have a check list here from years of reading thousands of comics just on that.
- Dark
- Dual Identity
- Emotionless
- Loss in the family
- Hides his Face
- Has a Penis
- Ladies man
- Often Silent (maybe not in the films but as a comic book nerd I can assure you by hero standards he is a very quiet hero in his books.)
So okay this is a short list of what bat man is now I will look at different games protagonists and if they fall in to at least four of these I will put that batman stamp of approval on that character.
So first of is that character Ezio who is the most loved protagonist in the assassins creed games now lets see.
At the start of the game his brother, father and basically everyone in his family is killed. CHECK
He joins an assassins guild for god sake and is merciless in his killing. DARK? CHECK
Hides his face with a large hood. CHECK
And from seeing his sex scenes in the comics he defiantly has a penis and is clearly a ladies man. CHECK and CHECK
So this one is defiantly a yes but what else in popular modern games?
Okay Aiden from "Watch_dogs" yes that underscore is meant to be there and yes it is stupid get over it, I haven't."
He lost his niece in the start and that is his key motivation, so that's a loss in the family. CHECK.
He wears a hood, obscuring is face alongside a bandana. CHECK.
He is a very blank and emotionless character. CHECK.
Aiden is essentially a silent protagonist. CHECK.
He has a penis. CHECK.
and for all of his flaws he is essentially a dark and morally ambiguous character; see also dark. CHECK.
Well one more for the list and this is a classic, Mario "jump man" Mario.
Emotionless? Well okay seeing as he has been on character lock down he very rarley shows any sort of emotions except the odd "wah hoo" of joy. CHECK in my books.
Ladies man? Well his current list of women if Pauline from the original game of DK, Toadstool from most of his games and then Daisy from his adventures in his romp through the GameBoy. CHECK.
Has a penis? Yep and Yep.
Often silent? No, always Silent.
SO Even Mario is pulled towards the batman singularity. I could also check that he is dark but... Well it is controversial because would you count a psychopath as dark? This video talks about it better than I could. HERE:
So am I batman?
Okay so I often hide my face with a hoodie. Check.
Often Silent? On forums hell yes I am, as well as having a few issues with being at all loud around anyone I don't know. Check.
Dark? Well I mean I don't even own a light in my room (true fact). Check.
Ladies man? I mean like if you ask any guy that who would say no? Check.
Has a penis? Last time I checked, Wait... Check.
Emotionless? I mean I may be the only human who didn't cry at "My Sisters Keeper" and "Titanic". Check.
JESUS CHRIST I'M BATMAN, or maybe this whole concept is flawed however looking at other forms of media like movies you can see that that just isn't the case. So maybe movies are keying themselves to a teenage/young adult audience with dreams of having similarities to one of the greatest cultural icons of the 20th and 21st century.
I feel honestly that the Batman is the perfect character in which you can put at the center of the giant umbrella of game characters for one huge reason and that is because he is the perfect character in which to relate to a teenage male audience. Every teenage boy who plays games plays them because they want to escape from their normal lives and be someone else, In a similar fashion that batman has a dual Identity all gamers have a dual identity and everything else related to him is just what culture has perceived as cool.
There is a good reason Batman is so well loved over Superman, The Flash or Detective Chimp (Yes He Is A DC character) and that is because by day he is just normal, just like you, me and every gamer out there.
Mario is AAA, Luigi is Indie. Wait, What?
For those unaware in the Mario Universe the two leading characters are Mario and Luigi, Mario being the be all and end all front man to the franchise with Luigi tailing behind him as a secondary character. So what do I mean by that big title? well here I go to explain what I mean, at the same time as explaining the main conventions of each industry in subtle and SUBTLE AS HELLLLLLLLLLL ways.
Okay so I mentioned earlier that Mario is a psychopath. Well he is, Did you not watch the video? well you didn't need to all you need to know is he is. Well this is a perfect analogy to the AAA video games industry. Just quickly some of the traits of a psychopath are the following and a very fast explanation:
- Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking: The AAA games industry doesn't seem to have the whole "Video games are art" thing and instead seem to fixate on the more clinical "Video Games are money" sort of deal and as a result has little in the way for any delusions that they are not there 1000% to make money.
- Unreliability: Oh god this. Pushed back release dates. Horrible sequels to good games. Bad trailer to good games and Amazing trailers to god awful games. I am not going to go on because it makes me sad.
- Untruthfulness and insincerity: So this is a very recent thing that is in the headlines of many a recent games blogs and news sites, the industry does not trust lets players often shutting down lets play videos on peoples YouTube channels. They don't trust reviewers with infamous case of Jeff Gerstmann from Gamespot getting fired after a bad review of "Kaine and Lynch" as well as the bribing in the industry that is so ingrained in to the culture of game journalism.
- Poor judgement and failure to learn from experience: Did the games industry learn from its biggest failure of all time? You know that little Atari shock thing that actually crashed the games industry? Well do they still spend millions on games that are in the end just bland or awful? I mean of course not, I mean watch_dogs wasn't bland and Kayne and Lynch 2 wasn't at all painful to play and made want to drink bleach. no.
So yeah the AAA games industry in that SUBTLE A HELLLLLLLL way I mentioned. But there is one more way Mario is like the industry and that is the fact that he is just god damn so bland. To quote Ben "Yahtzee" Crowshaw yet again"He is on character lock down, Nintendo are afraid to show he doesn't like pees in case they alienate the pee loving demographic." and that is true of all of the companies that make the AAA games. You make any and all decisions lightly if just saying offhandedly "I Love Civil rights" could mean the difference of over $2,000,000 worth in stock, very lightly. As a result they are afraid of being anything other than a bland robot made of wet tissue paper in appearance.
Yeah that is all I have on it to be fair. That is the extent that the AAA industry is Mario but yeah lets talk about Luigi.
I always loved Luigi and I know many people who share the same feelings as I do regarding the green clad, mustachioed plumber.
In the start Luigi was just a palette swap of Mario and that is where all of the similarities begin. The first ever "Indie" companies where called so because they were just developers who had become independent from the main industry to make there own games, however other than name they were basically the same thing, with the exception that many preferred the Mario as they perceive the Luigi as a worse character but being the same.
So anything else that you can link Luigi to the Indie Industry. Yes lots. Luigi never had the issue that Mario had in that Luigi isn't in character lock-down and as a result has the ability to show personality (Just like the Indie industry) and while that personality is varied (Like the industry) he is still able to be endearing or a scarredy cat or fatherly or well whatever is needed. I mean look at Scott Cawthon the maker of "five nights at Freddy's" a damn scary game and he is seen as a creepy and some what odd individual that fits his games perfect or maybe the makers of MineCraft "Notch" who is perceived as a free and fun individual who openly spends lots of money on expencive apartments in Hollywood.